
Showing posts from March, 2020

Family Councils

Picture Source This week I decided to try out the family counsel method that I've been hearing about my whole life. I stayed away for so long because I'm not into stuffy meetings or doing anything in persona that can be done via email. (JOKE! But really...) I decided to take the guidelines I found (From my BYU-Idaho professor, so a reputable source) and plug my family into the details! Characteristics of the council the brethren typically have each week in Salt Lake City: Regular time and place to meet (temple each Thursday morning) A meeting agenda distributed in advance of the meeting Beginning with expressions of love and concern for each member, individually Opening with prayer, inviting the Spirit to assist with the process A member invited to initiate discussion of the item by defining the problem and current status of decisions, etc. Opening for orderly discussion (one at a time, "additive" rather...